More From Edinburgh

I always enjoy staying in Edinburgh during the Festival Fringe. It means I can see shows later at night than I would otherwise. I enjoyed a couple of fun days at the Fringe and, as I did in my last post, here’s a wee look at what I saw. The Maydays: Oh Boy: The Quantum […]

R.E.M. – It’s The End Of The Band As We Know It…

Hi folks Well, chances are that you will have heard about R.E.M.’s decision to break up.  If you hadn’t before, I’m sorry to be the one to break the news. Before I really get started, let me just say that this post may be a bit rambling.  I’m sorry for that, but I wanted to […]

Crowded House in Glasgow

Hi folks. I’m Peter and I’m a Crowded House fan.  There, I said it and I am neither ashamed nor embarrassed by it.  Actually, I’m proud to say it – especially after their recent concert in Glasgow. This was my second time getting to see them live – the first being about 2½ years ago […]

AC/DC at The National Stadium, Hampden Park, Glasgow, 30 June 2009

Hi folks As I walked into Hampden for the second time in as many weeks, I found myself asking “could it really have been 10 days since I was at Hampden last and could I really have been here for a concert as different as the one I was about to see?” The answer to […]

Take That at The National Stadium, Hampden Park, Glasgow, 23 June 2009

Hi folks So, 15 years ago, if you had told me that I would have been attending a Take That concert with my sister and enjoyed it, I would have probably looked at you in a funny way – and I don’t mean “funny haha.” Yet, a couple of Saturdays ago, I was with Mhairi, […]

Terrorvision, ABC Glasgow, 23 October 2008

Thanks to my best mate, Peter, I’ve been a Terrorvision fan for a number of years. It was him that pointed me in the direction of their albums after I heard a couple of their tracks being played at The Cathouse in Glasgow a long number of years ago. It was with great sadness back […]

The London Trip – long post!

Hi folks Well, it took a while to arrive but in what feels like the blink of an eye, my trip to London has been and gone. It was a great few days. I just wish I had a little more time to enjoy it all! ThursdayI arrived at my hotel – the Wardonia Hotel […]

London, Here I Come!

Hi folks Just a quick post to remind you that I am presenting my card magic lecture for International Magic. The lecture will be taking place on Thursday 28th August at their usual venue – ‘Casa Italiana’, 136 Clerkenwell Road, London EC1R 5DL (click here for a map). If you are interested in coming along, […]

Terrorvision in Glasgow!

Hi folks Readers of my blog (hi again and thanks for reading!) may remember a post I made a while ago pleading (OK, begging!) for Terrorvision to play in Scotland. Well, that plea was answered earlier this week when the mighty Terrorvision announced that they will be playing at Glasgow’s ABC1 on Thursday 23rd October. […]

Terrorvision Return?

One of my favourite bands is a group of lads from Bradford called Terrorvision. They played rock music like it was supposed to be played – LOUD! Sadly, in 2001, they decided enough was enough and, disillusioned by the music industry, decided to go their separate ways. Apart from a couple of wee semi-reuniouns, that […]