Lectures for Magicians
“A Force Much Greater Than Luck” is a lecture on card magic which takes magicians step-by-step through card effects ranging from easy to intermediate skill levels.
The lecture also has a workshop feel to it. Magicians, both those who specialise in card magic and those who do not, can follow along and learn the moves as we go along. Also, Peter welcomes questions about specific techniques they may want to learn. Is anyone having difficulty with their double lifts? What about controlling a selected card? Whatever card technique they are interested in, Peter can help them improve their skills.

In the time Peter has been lecturing, he has been fortunate to be able to present his lecture to various clubs and organisations around the UK – including at The Magic Circle in London – Germany and the United States, as well as at the conventions of the Irish IBM (Ring 85), the Scottish Association of Magical Societies (S.A.M.S.) and Northern Magic Circle. He has also been fortunate to be able to perform at various conventions around the world, including the British Ring (Ring 25) Convention, the International Magic Convention in London and the exclusive, invitation-only, FFFF Convention in Buffalo, New York.

In 2017, Peter had the honour of being named Scottish Close Up Magician of the Year by S.A.M.S. as well as being presented the Ian Adair Award for Originality and the Jimmy Craig Quaich for services to Scottish Magic.
So, why should you book a relatively unknown Scottish cardman to lecture for your club? Peter likes to think that he has some interesting ideas and effects that your members might enjoy working on. Amongst other things during the lecture, Peter teaches:-
- a handling of Roy Walton’s Collectors that can be done in walkaround situations;
- a very effective deck vanish, along with a couple of ways to present it;
- how to cause a spectator’s signature to move from one card to another; and
- a effect by Roy Walton that you will be using right after the lecture.