Hi folks
As I walked into Hampden for the second time in as many weeks, I found myself asking “could it really have been 10 days since I was at Hampden last and could I really have been here for a concert as different as the one I was about to see?” The answer to both those questions was “yes” as I was back at the National Stadium, this time with my brother in law, Callum, and best mate, Peter, to see one of the greatest rock bands of all time – the mighty AC/DC.

The support acts – The Answer and The Subways – were not too bad, although I couldn’t help but feel that the lead singer of The Subways was trying to play to the Glasgow crowd a little too much. Still, they stopped any boredom from setting in too quickly before the main event of the evening.

walkway not too far from me
Under an amazing blue sky, AC/DC started off their concert with a cartoon of a runaway train which ended with the train bursting through the screen. The concert started at 100 miles an hour and it did not let up for a moment. Song after song. Classic after classic. The crowd and the band seemed to be feeding off each other’s energy.
Brian Johnson
The setlist had a good mix of songs from their current album, “Black Ice”, as well as classic songs from their earlier albums, including the classic albums “Back In Black” and “Highway To Hell”. Throughout the concert, Brian Johnson sang with that voice that makes you wonder if he really does gargle with glass and paint stripper every morning. Angus Young ran, duck-walked, lay on his back and headbanged without missing a single beat or note. Watching him for a few moments made me realise just how phenominal a guitarist he really is. And in the background, the “engine” of this Rock N’ Roll Train – the rythmn section of AC/DC made up of Malcolm Young on Rythmn Guitar, Cliff Williams on Bass and Phil Rudd on Drums.
Angus Young
Angus gets raised up in front of the main stand
during part of his 15-minute guitar solo
during “Let There Be Rock”
A great concert and one that I would love to do all over again. I hope they tour again. If they don’t, which is the current rumour, at least I can say “I got to see AC/DC live”
Rock N’ Roll Train
Hell Ain’t A Bad Place To Be
Back In Black
Big Jack
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
Shot Down In Flames
Black Ice
The Jack
Hells Bells
Shoot To Thrill
War Machine
Dog Eat Dog
Anything Goes
You Shook Me All Night Long
Whole Lotta Rosie
Let There Be Rock
Bonny (the first verse and chorus of “Loch Lomond”)
Highway To Hell
For Those About to Rock (We Salute You)

Speak soon.
The Cardman 🙂