We’ve all done it, we’ve all been there. Wondered whatever happened to people that were friends a long number of years ago but that, for one reason or another, you’ve lost contact with. And the annoying thing is that there’s no real reason for you losing contact, it’s just one of those things that… happens. It’s happened to me a few times and I’ve even scoured the Internet after thinking “I wonder what [enter name here] is doing these days” and all to no avail.

Well, I had another one of those moments today but this time I thought I’d try to do something about it. “Of course” I thought, I’ve got a blog! What about posting it on there!?! There is, of course, the small fact that there are some 70-odd MILLION blogs in existence on the internet at the moment with another 10,000 new ones being created every single day, so the chances of the particular people seeing these are somewhat small but here goes anyway!

First off are 2 young ladies that I hung out with some 12 years ago or so – Roseanne Armstrong and Kirstie Provan (these were their unmarried names – they’re probably married by now) who, at that time, were best friends. I first met Roseanne and Kirstie in what was then Monty’s Snooker Club in Paisley – now called Suzy Q’s – at the Saturday night Karaoke night that I used to go to EVERY Saturday night when I still lived in Paisley. I was asked by someone to show them a few card tricks and from that a great friendship was formed. Sadly, in the time between losing contact with them and now, I had heard through the immortal “grapevine” that they had had a falling out and gone their own separate ways.

The other person that’s been in my thoughts of late is a young man by the name of Duncan Slater. Duncan was someone I met shortly after changing Primary School after we moved from the centre of Paisley to the South End of the town. We then went through Secondary School together and kept in contact as he went on to University and I went on to start, and then drop out of, College. A short while after moving to Stewarton, however, I lost contact with Duncan. I spoke to him all too briefly after he moved to Edinburgh with his girlfriend Kara, but since that one telephone conversation all too many years ago, I’ve lost all contact details for him. Bit of a bummer.

So, here’s the reason why I’m posting this – anyone know these people and know where I can get in touch with them? And no wild goose chases! If I get sent on one, I will get my revenge (if you’ve seen “Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back” you’ll get the idea of what I’m on about). If you do, leave a comment to this post and I’ll get in touch via e-mail. It would be great to be able to meet up with some friends I haven’t seen in who knows how long.

Speak soon.

The Cardman 🙂

One Response

  1. hi peter, i remember you i used to go to montys every saturday night too alex that owned it is my uncle, but i dont remember the 2 girls you are talking about but ill ask some of the girls that i went with or you could try looking them up on facebook or bebo pretty much everyone has them, take care love tracy xtracynixon77@yahoo.co.uk

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