So, welcome to my blog. This all started with a website that I started building as part of a Web Design course that I did one evening a week at college. The only drawback is that I hardly ever sat down to post new stuff up.

I was full of good ideas for it, too. A few pages about my travels to go to pool tournaments (either to play or watch), some magic-related stuff, photos and other bits and pieces. Well, most (if not all) of this will stay. The pool stuff, pictures and other general bits and pieces will be found here while some of the magic-related stuff (the tricks, mostly) will stay password-protected on my other wee bit of cyberspace (link to follow once I’ve sorted it all out).

This blog also means that I can try and have more pictures online for you to look at, but since I am new to this blogging business I need to see what I can and cannot do before I make any promises.

OK, enough boring stuff. I’ll try to post as often as I can.

Best wishes

The Cardman 🙂

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