Just after Christmas, I was in Roy Walton’s shop Tam Shepherd’s in Queen Street in Glasgow and whilst buying my usual magazines saw a copy of Eric Mead’s book “Twisted Web” sitting in one of the cases. I thought about buying it for a few moments, then thought “nah, I’ll leave it for now – I’ll maybe get it at Blackpool.” The train journey home had me constantly thinking “why didn’t I just buy it?” so, the following day, I went back to the shop and bought it.

I’m glad I did! It is one of the most fascinating, interesting, educating and enjoyable magic books I have read in quite some time. The great thing about this book is that it is not cover-to-cover tricks – there are quite a number of theoretical essays scattered throughout the book. Each one made me wish I could put my theoretical thoughts about magic down on paper as articulately as Mr Mead does.

Magic-wise, my favourites included:-

As for the afore mentioned essays, my personal stand-outs were:-

This is a great book and one that I feel should be in the library of any magician who wants to think about their magic. It really does have me thinking “what is the desired effect?”

Go get the book, you’ll see what I’m on about! You can get it either directly from the publishers, Hermetic Press, or just get in touch with your local (bricks and mortar) magic dealer.

Speak soon.

The Cardman 🙂

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