Derren Brown at Glasgow Royal Concert Hall
I wanted to wait until Derren Brown’s tour, “Mind Reader – An Evening of Wonders”, was over before blogging this, just in case anyone reading this was going to the show. This was my 3rd time seeing Derren live in Glasgow and it was, once again, an excellent show. This time, I went with my […]
More lecture news
Hi folks Next Tuesday, 3rd July, I’ll be in Watford presenting my lecture to the Watford Association of Magicians. The lecture starts at 8pm and entry for non-members is £5. This is the first time I’ve lectured in England and I am both apprehensive and looking forward to it. I hope the members and visitors […]
Chan Canasta
While brousing through YouTube recently, I came across the following videos. They are of a performer who, in the 1950s, caused a huge sensation on British TV. His name was Chan Canasta and his TV show in the ’50s caused a huge sensation. On a magical level, he was prepared to take risks that many, […]
In a couple of previous posts, I’ve mentioned that I had been asked to present my magic lecture at a couple of places – the Scottish Association of Magical Societies Convention in Montrose at the end of April (at 10:15 on the Sunday morning!) and at Glasgow Magic Circle‘s President’s Night at the beginning of […]
Catch up – Germany (Long post!)
Well, the trip to Germany is now but a memory. But what a series of memories they are! It was almost like being part of a rock tour – a different day, a different city – so this is going to be a fairly lengthy post as we managed to cram a ton of stuff […]
Upcoming Lectures
I’m taking a few moments out while in the process of typing up about my Germany trip to let you know of a couple of lectures that I’ve got coming up in the near future. The first happens this Tuesday night – 8 May 2007 – at Glasgow Magic Circle. It is their President’s Night […]
Catch Up – Blackpool Magic Convention and SAPPA Tour Event 10
It’s been a while, so I’m going to use this post to catch up on a couple of things that have happened recently. The Blackpool Convention is now but a distant memory, but what a memory it is! One of the craziest and most fun weekends I’ve had in a long time and, socially, the […]
How did I start in magic?
One question all magicians are asked is “how did you get interested in magic?” Well, for me, it was one Christmas just after my 7th birthday when I sat and watched David Copperfield on TV. It was his fourth special and, it was said, at the end of the special he would try to make […]
A Blast From My Magical Past
Many, many years ago on the Paul Daniels Magic Show, he had a guest performer on who did something so unique that he was brought back on at least 2 or 3 more occasions. His name was (and is) Tom Noddy and I’ve just found some footage of him on YouTube that I’d like to […]
Tangled Web by Eric Mead
Just after Christmas, I was in Roy Walton’s shop Tam Shepherd’s in Queen Street in Glasgow and whilst buying my usual magazines saw a copy of Eric Mead’s book “Twisted Web” sitting in one of the cases. I thought about buying it for a few moments, then thought “nah, I’ll leave it for now – […]