London, Here I Come!

Hi folks Just a quick post to remind you that I am presenting my card magic lecture for International Magic. The lecture will be taking place on Thursday 28th August at their usual venue – ‘Casa Italiana’, 136 Clerkenwell Road, London EC1R 5DL (click here for a map). If you are interested in coming along, […]

Lecturing in London and other bits

Hi folks Regular readers (hi there!) may know that I am a huge REM fan and since their only Scottish concert of the current tour was at T In The Park (which I refuse to go to due to the high “Ned factor”), I had to choose one of their concerts elsewhere. Since I like […]

Friends at The Fringe

Hi folks Regular readers (greetings!) may remember that I love the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and that I try to get through at least once during August to see some of the mayhem that goes on there. Well, this year is going to be no different and I’m going to be going in Edinburgh for a […]

Norman Beck lecturing in Scotland

Hi folks “Smart, funny and cunning … Miss him at your peril!” – R. Paul Wilson“Norman Beck will fool you very badly. His lecture is an absolute delight.” – Marc DeSouza These are just a few of the things people in the know are saying about Texas-based Close Up Magician Norman Beck who will be […]

John Carney lecturing in Glasgow (Catch Up Continued)

Regular readers (hi there!) will probably remember that I mentioned a short time ago that John Carney was going to be presenting his lecture in Glasgow. Well the day is now a memory, but what a memory it is. After finishing work, I arrived at Tam Shepherd’s to see about picking up any magazines that […]

Convention Catch Up

There’s a lot to catch up on, so let’s start with the Magic Conventions. The start of April saw me in Scarborough to lecture at the Northern Magic Circle’s “Spring Parade”. A small convention, about the same size as the Scottish SAMS Convention, but very, very friendly. There were a lot of familiar faces there […]

John Carney lecturing in the UK

Hi everyone Those that know me really well will probably know that I am a big fan of the work of American magician John Carney. Now, for those of you not interested in magic, he is an multi award-winning magician who is regarded as one of the best in most forms of magic, whether it […]

Irish IBM Ring 85 Convention – 2nd to 4th May 2008 – Dublin

Hi folks Just a quick post to pass the word on about this year’s Irish IBM Ring 85 Convention, taking place at the Plaza Hotel, Tallagh, Dublin from 2nd to 4th May. Performers booked to lecture and/or perform at the convention include Joshua Jay, Alan Shaxon, Trevor Lewis, Quentin Reynolds, Max Marshall and many, many […]

Northern Magic Circle’s Spring Parade

Hi folks Just a quick post to remind you that I am lecuring at this year’s Northern Magic Circle Spring Parade Convention which is taking place on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th April (next weekend) in Scarborough. Here’s a brief run-down of who’s scheduled to be performing during the weekend:- LecturesPeter McLanachan (that’s me!) on […]

2008 Blackpool Convention

It is crazy, busy, rushed and leaves you shattered at the end of it. Yes, another edition of the Blackpool Magicians’ Convention is now a memory. It’s a chance to meet up with old friends, make new ones. It is a Convention with enough events to easily fill a 4 or 5-day Convention crammed into […]