The Cardman Goes International

Hi folks A brief post to let you know of a couple of things I’ve got coming up. First off, on Saturday 18 April, I will be presenting a lecture for Magischen Nordlichter (click here for the site translated into English) starting at 2pm in their headquarters in Hamburg, Germany. You can get more information […]

Search And Destroy featuring The Nowhere Pass by Aaron Fisher

Price: $25 plus $5 shipping and handling anywhere in the worldAvailable from: Aaron Fisher’s website from 4pm EST (9pm GMT) on 17 March 2009 From reading the information above, you’ll probably realise that this is not a review. This is, in fact, a preview. Let me just state here that I have not seen the […]

Spotlight On Carey by John Carey

Price: £15 postpaid in the UK ($25 postpaid for the rest of the world)Available direct from John via PayPal at John Carey is one of the UK’s top “underground” magicians who, after some cajoling from his friends, has popped his head out into the open to share some of his material. This DVD contains […]

2009 Blackpool Magicians Convention

Hi folks Well, February is now behind us and another Blackpool Convention is part of history. It was a lot of fun and, to be honest, for the first time in a wee while I had more fun with the social side of things than I did at the organised events. The journey down was […]

Lecture at Paisley Magic Circle – 5 February 2009

Hi folks First of all, Happy New Year! Yes, I know it is nearly February but I have not really had a chance to post anything up lately. Anyway, I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year and that 2009 is a good one for you. I thought I’d post a quick message […]

2008 International Magic Convention, London

Well, another convention has come and gone. The International Magic Convention – otherwise lovingly known as “Ron’s Day” (even though it is now held over a weekend) after the late, great Ron MacMillan who started it back in the 1970s ­- is held in London at the end of November each year and has become […]

Thunderbird: The Modern Ace Production by Lee Asher

Price: $13.99Available from: Lee Asher’s website I thought that I would post one of my rare product reviews. I’m not normally one to do them but I thought the magicians that read this (hello and thank you for reading) might be interested. Recently, I got one of Lee Asher‘s PDF e-books – “Thunderbird: The Modern […]

Germany? Eastbourne? Where am I??? (Long post!)

Before I get into this post, let me warn you that it is a big ‘un! Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy it. As regular readers (greetings!) may know, I love going away to Magic Conventions and I love going to Germany to visit Sonja. On my latest trip, I managed to do both – go […]

The Jill Deck – updated with more information

Hi folks Thought I’d do a brief post about an item a friend of mine has launched in time for the IBM British Ring Convention taking place in Eastbourne next week. Annabel De Vetten is a Birmingham-based artist who has designed a poker size deck of cards that I think looks pretty amazing. Now I […]

The London Trip – long post!

Hi folks Well, it took a while to arrive but in what feels like the blink of an eye, my trip to London has been and gone. It was a great few days. I just wish I had a little more time to enjoy it all! ThursdayI arrived at my hotel – the Wardonia Hotel […]