Pat Page

The magic world has lost another giant in the form of Patrick Page. Pat was a walking, talking encyclopaedia of magic. What he did not know probably wasn’t worth knowing. He was the most brilliant all-round magical brain I have ever encountered. He was a great performer, a brilliant author and a phenomenal teacher. He […]

Magic Lecture in Hannover – 7 February 2010

Hi folks I am presenting my card magic lecture to Magischen Zirkels Hannover (or Hannover Magic Circle – click here for the website in English) on Sunday 7 February starting at 3pm at RSV Restaurant, Elbestraße 39, 30419 Hannover (click here for a map). The details of the cost of entry for non-members can be […]

2009 International Magic Convention

Hi folks I know that it was a few weeks ago, but I have not had a lot of time to be able to post this up. So, now that I’ve got a few minutes, let’s get typing. Now, what was I going to type about? Oh yes… London, London, London. I enjoy my now […]

Geoff Williams lecturing at Paisley Magic Circle

Hi folks Geoff Williams will be presenting his “The Lecture Your Mother Never Gave You” lecture for Paisley Magic Circle at 7:30pm on Thursday 3rd December at their usual location, St Margaret’s Church Hall in Renfrew. Geoff is the author of the critically acclaimed 2-DVD set “Miracles For Mortals” and his DVD “The ‘I Hate […]

French Connexion by James Chadier

Hi folks As with everthing with this blog of late, this review post has been sitting waiting to be done for a wee while. In fact, this review has been waiting since about March to be posted! Well, better late than never – I hope! James Chadier is a new name to me. In fact, […]

Some visits to the Edinburgh Fringe

Oh boy! Where do I start? Hi folks and welcome back to the blog which was on a “can’t be bothered updating but when I can be bothered I don’t have the time” break. Apologies for the serious lack of updates eecently. I hope this post (and it’s a big ‘un too!) will help make […]

Mark Elsdon lecturing in Scotland next week

Hi folks Just a quick post to let you all know that Mark Elsdon is doing a couple of lectures in Scotland next week. The first is one that he has organised himself and will be held on Wednesday 24th June at the SCA‘s headquarters – the Scottish Mask and Puppet Theatre, 8-10 Balcarres Avenue, […]

German Lecture and FFFF 2009

Hi folks Well, things have been a bit busy of late, but there is a blog that is long overdue. Hope you’re sitting comfortably because it’s a big one! The events themselves were a long time coming, incredibly fast in passing and now, sitting typing this, almost feel like the distant past. A trip involving […]

Upcoming lectures at the Scottish Conjurer’s Association

Hi folks I thought I’d do a quick post to let you know about a couple of lectures that the Scottish Conjurers’ Association are putting on in the next couple of weeks. First off, on Wednesday 13 May, is Canada’s Shawn Farquhar who will be presenting his “Bread And Butter Lecture” in what will be […]

Upcoming Scottish Magic Events

Hi folks A quick post to let you know of a few events taking place in Central Scotland in the coming couple of weeks.First off, on Thursday 9th April, Paisley Magic Circle will be hosting a lecture by American Close Up Magician Gregory Wilson as part of his limited UK lecture tour. The lecture will […]