2010 Edinburgh Festival Fringe

Hi folks Well, it’s August and that means the annual Edinburgh Festival Fringe is now under way in Scotland’s capital city.  As long-term readers (hi there and thanks for reading) may know, I like to try to get through to Edinburgh as often as I can during the month to see some of the shows […]

Magic at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe

Hi folks Edinburgh is becoming a bit of a magical city with the upcoming Edinburgh International Magic Festival taking place next month and the Edinburgh Festival Fringe always having a good deal of magic in it.The Edinburgh Festival Fringe programme was released yesterday and, as always, there’s a good chunk of magic in there. Actually, this year sees the […]

Helping Friends

Hi folks Magicians who read this blog will undoubtedly know the names of Aldo and Rachel Colombini.  I have been lucky to know both Aldo and Rachel for a number of years – even before they met and then married a few years ago.  Well, now these friends are in need of help, so I […]

The Celtic Cabal e-book by Peter Duffie

Hi folks A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that Peter Duffie’s latest e-book was nearing release.  Well, I am now happy to announce that the e-book has now been released and is available to buy here. The e-book itself has 35 contributors from Scotland, Wales and Ireland sharing a total of 44 items – […]

Upcoming Scottish Magic Conventions

Hi folks Just a quick post to let you know of a couple of magic conventions coming up very near future. First up is the 59th Annual Convention of the Scottish Association of Magical Societies – otherwise known as “SAMS” – which takes place this weekend (Friday 30th April to Sunday 2nd May) at the […]

Coming soon…

The Celtic Cabal A New Collection of Magic and Mentalism FromIreland, Scotland and Wales  35 contributors – 44 routines, including two essays. Over 170 Pages! Coming Soon! This is a new e-book compiled by Peter Duffie which will be available very very soon from both here and peterduffie.com  Full details will be available in the […]

Kostya Kimlat lecturing in Glasgow

Hi folks Kostya Kimlat will be presenting his magic lecture to the Scottish Conjurers’ Association on Wednesday 7 April at their headquarters – The Scottish Mask and Puppet Centre (8-10 Balcarres Avenue, Glasgow, G12 0QF). Entry into the lecture for non-members of the SCA is £10. Kostya lectured a number of years ago at Paisley […]

Edinburgh International Magic Festival

Hi folks I thought I’d do a quick post to let as many people as possible learn about the first Edinburgh International Magic Festival. The Festival will run from 7 to 11 July 2010 at venues located around the Royal Mile, with the hub of the Festival being the Scottish Storytelling Centre on the Royal […]

Reflection by Bill Goodwin

Hi folks I first met Bill Goodwin when Paul Wilson organised for him to present his magic lecture in Glasgow a number of years ago.  The lecture he gave that day was nothing short of brilliant.  A full 2-and-a-half hour lecture was presented in about 1 hour 20 minutes!  Now, that is not anything against […]

Germany – Sonja, World Team Pool and a lecture

Hi folks It feels like it, but my latest Germany trip was only 4 weeks ago and is now but a memory. Visiting Sonja for a few days as well as watching the World Team Pool Championships and doing a magic lecture in Hannover made for a busy, and fun, week. First thing I should […]