Hi folks Just a quick post to let you know that I’m selling a few things on eBay – both magic and non-magic related. You can find what I’m selling by clicking here. I’ll be adding a few more things over the next couple of days, so keep checking back every now and then. I […]
John Carney lecturing in the UK
Hi everyone Those that know me really well will probably know that I am a big fan of the work of American magician John Carney. Now, for those of you not interested in magic, he is an multi award-winning magician who is regarded as one of the best in most forms of magic, whether it […]
Irish IBM Ring 85 Convention – 2nd to 4th May 2008 – Dublin
Hi folks Just a quick post to pass the word on about this year’s Irish IBM Ring 85 Convention, taking place at the Plaza Hotel, Tallagh, Dublin from 2nd to 4th May. Performers booked to lecture and/or perform at the convention include Joshua Jay, Alan Shaxon, Trevor Lewis, Quentin Reynolds, Max Marshall and many, many […]
Northern Magic Circle’s Spring Parade
Hi folks Just a quick post to remind you that I am lecuring at this year’s Northern Magic Circle Spring Parade Convention which is taking place on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th April (next weekend) in Scarborough. Here’s a brief run-down of who’s scheduled to be performing during the weekend:- LecturesPeter McLanachan (that’s me!) on […]
Comedy, Pool and a bit of a surprise visit.
Where to start? It’s been one of those crazy-busy weeks that you get every once in a while where you wonder where all the time went. Let’s start at the beginning, a very good place to start! As the regular reader of my Blog (hello!) may already know, I was going to see Dwight Slade […]
Dwight Slade – Oran Mor, Glasgow, Tomorrow Night
Hi folks Just a quick one of these to let you all know that one of my favourite Stand Up Comedians, Dwight Slade, is performing in Glasgow TOMORROW NIGHT at Oran Mor. Doors are at 7pm and I believe his show starts at 8pm. Tickets, priced £10, are still available and I would highly, completely […]
2008 Blackpool Convention
It is crazy, busy, rushed and leaves you shattered at the end of it. Yes, another edition of the Blackpool Magicians’ Convention is now a memory. It’s a chance to meet up with old friends, make new ones. It is a Convention with enough events to easily fill a 4 or 5-day Convention crammed into […]
Bill Hicks
Hi folks Today sees the 14th anniversary of the passing of, in my opinion, one of the greatest Stand Up Comedians who ever lived – Bill Hicks. He died in 1994 aged 32 from Pancreatic Cancer and performed comedy that REALLY made you think. It is just as relevant today as it was back in […]
The Real Hustle
Hi folks Just a quick post to say that tomorrow night at 7pm sees the fifth season of BBC3‘s hit show “The Real Hustle” start off with 2 back-to-back episodes. This time, our 3 friendly hustlers – Paul Wilson, Alexis Conran and Jessica Jane Clement – hit Las Vegas to see if they can swindle […]
Terrorvision Return?
One of my favourite bands is a group of lads from Bradford called Terrorvision. They played rock music like it was supposed to be played – LOUD! Sadly, in 2001, they decided enough was enough and, disillusioned by the music industry, decided to go their separate ways. Apart from a couple of wee semi-reuniouns, that […]