As ever at the end of November, International Magic held their annual convention in central London. As ever at the end of November, I was there to enjoy what was, in my opinion, one of the best conventions it has been my pleasure to attend in quite some time. It was a great chance to catch up with friends that I hadn’t seen since last year’s convention – and some I hadn’t seen in 4 or 5 years!
The Gala Show was excellent. Personal highlights included Noel Britten‘s (usual) brilliant hosting of the show, including running gags galore, Gunther’s first Magicians’ Anonymous meeting and Tom Noddy performing his wonderful bubble act.
And so, with the Gala Show, the 2010 International Convention came to an end. Well, apart from the late night gathering in the bar. Loads of magicians talking and showing magic until the wee hours of the morning.