It’s been a while, so I’m going to use this post to catch up on a couple of things that have happened recently.
The Blackpool Convention is now but a distant memory, but what a memory it is! One of the craziest and most fun weekends I’ve had in a long time and, socially, the most enjoyable Blackpool for many years. Some people tend to knock themselves out by trying to go to everything that they possibly can and have a great time doing so. Others pay their money, walk into the Dealers’ Hall and never leave it – apart from the (very) occasional trip to the bar – and have a great time doing so. I managed to find a happy medium between the 2 – going to see the things that I wanted to see as well as just hang out in the Dealers’ Hall – mostly helping out behind Aaron Fisher’s stand, which was great fun allowing me to re-discover some of Aaron’s material that I had forgotten.
It was great to catch up with friends I hadn’t seen in a while – in some cases, quite a while – which made this year’s Convention all the more fun for me. Strangely enough, I am actually looking forward to next year’s convention already!
The weekend following the Blackpool Convention saw me in Kirkcaldy for the final 9-Ball tournament of the 2006/07 season. In the first round, I managed to exact my revenge on Andy Bain of Glasgow for the beating he gave me at the previous tournament, but that was about the highlight of my tournament as 2 rather tame losses meant that I was knocked out of the tournament fairly quickly.
I’m in the middle of typing up a post about my trip to Germany last week. It is probably going to be a big ‘un, so beware!
Speak soon.